Arch + Cinnamon

Cinnamon 2.0 tiene como principal característica que ya no depende de Gnome Shell para instalarse y ejecutarse, por lo que se declara como Entorno de Escritorio independiente.

En el caso de Arch, una instalación completa de Cinnamon se podría hacer de la siguiente forma:

sudo pacman -S cinnamon cinnamon-control-center cinnamon-desktop cinnamon-screensaver cinnamon-session cinnamon-settings-daemon cinnamon-translations nemo

El Gestor de Sesión de LinuxMint es MDM, el cual pertenece al proyecto MATE si mal no recuerdo, y como en Arch este paquete no aparece en los repositorios oficiales, pues me instalé LXDM, el Gestor de Sesión del proyecto LXDE.

sudo pacman -S lxdm

Y posteriormente lo activamos con:

sudo systemctl enable lxdm.service

Escogí LXDM y no otro como por ejemplo LightDM, debido a que LXDM es muy ligero.

Qué hacer después de instalar Anarchy Linux + KDE

sudo pacman -S plasma-meta
sudo pacman -S plasma kde-applications
sudo pacman -S kde-applications-meta
sudo pacman -S base-devel

Sin ser usuarios root

git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
yay -S pamac-aur-git --noconfirm

Si instalas GNOME, puede que tengas problemas con la tienda de software, debes instalar

pacman -Sy gnome-software-packagekit-plugin

pacman -Sy archlinux-appstream-data

Poder cambiar el valor de un DATE establecido a 0000-00-00 >> Incorrect date value: ‘0000-00-00’ in MYSQL

Para resolver el típico hay que ejecutar esto antes de hacer el UPDATE ya que te cambia el valor en la consulta pero no afecta a futuro, ya que cuando se reinicie volverá a coger el valor de configuración de MYSQL.

Es una solución temporal para poder hacer los UPDATES

SET sql_mode = '';

Una vez ejecutada la sentencia, se puede usar el update sin problemas, como por ejemplo:

UPDATE gafas_colores SET novedad = NULL WHERE novedad = '0000-00-00';

Borrar logs de mysql

Para eliminar este tipo de Logs de bbdd, te conectas a mysql en comandos:

mysql -u root -p

Luego te pedirá el password y te conectas.


Liberar espacio en disco

Con esto vemos todo el espacio ocupado por carpetas de la raiz

du -xh / |grep '^\S*[0-9\.]\+G'|sort -rn

apt autoremove
apt autoclean


ServerPilot’s free plan doesn’t let you enable SSL on your apps using their web-based interface but if you need to install SSL certs on your apps in a ServerPilot free server, then I’ve brought you a useful Python package (available via PIP) that will automate the SSL installation for you.

Getting Started
Sign into your server as root using an SSH client and then install the package using PIP. If PIP isn’t installed on your system, first install it:

apt install python-pip
And then install rwssl package:

pip install rwssl
Once installed, you will have a new command rwssl available in your SSH client.

Installing SSLs
To install SSL certs on all apps automatically, run:

rwssl -a
The above command will instruct rwssl to find all apps, parse their domains by analyzing vhost files and then it will obtain SSL certs for all of the domains listed in the vhost file.

If you want to ignore some apps and install SSL certs on the remaining ones, that’s an easy task. Just run:

rwssl -i ‘app1,app2,app3,app4’
Above command will make rwssl ignore app1, app2, app3 and app4 and install SSL certificates on all remaining apps.

In some scenarios, you will need to install SSL certificates for the newly added apps only. This can be achived easily as well. Simply do:

rwssl -f
This command will obtain and install SSL certs on the fresh apps only that don’t have any SSL certificate installed on them yet.

Sometimes you might encounter issues with old SSL vhost files either added manually or using my old script. There is a command available to refresh all SSL websites:

rwssl -re
Please note that above command will delete all SSL vhost files, will obtain new SSL certs and then it will rewrite the SSL vhosts. If any orphaned vhost files are there (i.e. without any active domains on them), they will get deleted and they will not be created again.

Obviously you aren’t bound to run the SSL installation command on some bulk apps only and SSL certs can be installed on an individual app as well:

rwssl -n appname
Renewing SSLs
To enable auto-renewal of SSLs, enable rwssl CRON job:

rwssl -ic
And to attempt the renewal manually, run:

rwssl -r
Enabling Auto-Pilot Mode
This is yet another CRON job that runs every few minutes, finds newly added apps and then it obtains SSL certs for those apps automatically. When enabled, you don’t need to SSH into your server again and again. Simply add your app using ServerPilot control panel, wait for a few minutes and SSL cert will be available on your app automatically:

rwssl -ap
And to disable auto-pilot mode, do:

rwssl -na
Forcing HTTPS (301)
You don’t need to force HTTPS using .htaccess file as this option is packaged with rwssl already. To force HTTPS, simply run:

rwssl -redir all

rwssl -redir appname
The first command will force HTTPS on all apps and the second one will force HTTPS on a single app.

To disable the HTTPS redirect:

rwssl -noredir all

rwssl -noredir appname
If you are using my old script, then you need to first delete it and then follow the Getting Started section in this guide:

rm /usr/local/bin/rwssl && pip install rwssl
Upgrading to a newer version is super-easy:

pip install –upgrade rwssl
To uninstall rwssl, simply do:

pip uninstall rwssl
And then delete the added CRON jobs:

# Delete SSL renewal cron
rm /etc/cron.d/rwsslrenew
# Also delete auto-pilot cron
rm /etc/cron.d/rwssl
The package is hosted at GitHub and PyPi. If you have any issue with rwssl, then you can either leave a comment below or open an issue at GitHub page.